Arctic summernights

Light and noises are different during the night.
Sperm whale in midnight sun. ©Marten Bril.
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Midnight trip

If you are fascinated by both birds and whales then our midnight trip is the perfect choice as it is a combined whale- and bird watching set at the late of the evening. We always go for the whales first and end the night by the island of Bleik to spot the puffins and other sea birds circling around the island.

Whale- & birdwatching If you are fascinated by both birds and whales then our midnight trip is the perfect choice as it is a combined whale- and bird watching set at the late of the evening. We always go for the whales first and end the night by the island of Bleik to spot the puffins and other sea birds circling around the island. A common friend as well is the white tailed eagle which shows a similar affection for the puffins and can appear in big numbers in their search for food.

This has become one of our most popular trips. With 24 hours of light there is no reason not to enjoy the evening at sea experiencing the beautiful light as well as experiencing the big whales off the coast of Andenes. It is also an opportunity to see more of the landscape when returning from the whales to end the trip in search for the birds at the island of Bleik.

Included in the ticket you can visit our whale exhibition. Here you can experience, among other things, three large whale skeletons. We also offer daily regular lectures in the Whale Center about the ongoing research at 6 pm. The exception is when the researchers have a weekly meeting. Please tell us in advance if you are interested in our lectures.

The midnight sun appears between the 23rd of May to the 23rd of July in Vesterålen. In this period the sun does not go below the horizon.

Read about safety & guidelines and our accessibility

Included: Thermosuit (water-repellent), life vest (mandatory)

Dos and Don'ts to make the best out of your adventure and stay warm:


  • Wear warm clothes in several layers (best: wool)
  • Warm socks and waterproof shoes
  • Warm, waterproof gloves/mittens
  • Optional: A small waterproof bag for a camera or cellphone


  • Sneakers or sandals
  • No gloves or thin gloves
  • Unprotected camera/gear